Hypertension Episode

According to the Mayo Clinic, high blood pressure is a “common” condition that affects the body’s arteries. Since there’s a consistently high force of blood pushing against the artery walls makes the heart work harder to pump blood.

Since Tuesday, I’ve been stuck in the house because my BP is super high. Has anyone here got a 185/124 yet? I used to throw up already by the time I reached 170-180, but my body seems to be tolerating the pain, and it worries me more because I haven’t felt any nausea even though I’m reaching 180+ already. This post is entitled “Hypertension Episode” because I had two previous episodes wherein the office sent me home, or I failed to report to work due to a high and unbearable throbbing head pain due to my hypertension.

My BP monitoring device has been my best friend since this yet another episode of hypertension. Praise God, the last meds they prescribed seem to lower my BP, but I still get frequent migraines. I wonder if my kidney is still okay with all these meds. The last meds provided could reduce it to the nearest normal! Like 124/95; this is the most normal BP I have ever had since 2019. Still, my BP is unstable. I am grateful no doctor has prescribed me a maintenance medicine yet, and I pray I will no longer have to deal with it. I know the scares that come with these episodes if left uncontrolled.

My laboratory exam results showed that the main trigger for my high blood pressure was a high uric acid level. While surprisingly, my sugar levels are in the normal range. According to the Mayo Clinic, a high uric acid level can result from the body making too much uric acid, not getting rid of enough, or both. I am guilty of too much soda intake, and believe it or not, I am under accountability with my discipleship group to refrain from drinking any soda for a week. I am also guilty of not maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. As my husband reminds me, I am no longer 20 years old.

Now, it offers me a limit to my food selection since I now need to avoid foods high in purine levels. I am also required to drink water more often than I should, and I should be mindful of what I eat. Thinking about the assortment of food choices I also lack knowledge of; I am afraid to commit to this overhaul lifestyle in the long run. Maybe I need to list foods I must avoid and have them printed and posted here at home. Lol. Can I make it? Can I sustain it? As my boss says, knowing what to do is one thing, and doing it is another. Why is “dieting” easier to say than done?

Staying at home allowed me to pause and rest from the corporate jungle, and I praise the Lord for the peace and joy amidst sickness. It allowed me to process how I should improve the house and how I continued to do my digital journalling as I now go through the book of Matthew. I will not deny that these past few days have also allowed me to finish some TV series I have been meaning to start. Lol.

Pray for me as I go through this somewhat healthy eating journey, and I hope I won’t be a burden to others in the family because of these hypertensive episodes.

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