There are times when life is smooth, calm and quiet but other times the exact opposite – stormy and turbulent. One test of our Christianity is how we handle these stormy times, for this is when our real character is revealed.
In Acts 27, Paul began as a prisoner, then he ended as the captain of this ship. Paul was in the same ship as all of them yet he had a different attitude and outlook. The same anchors that kept Paul steady on his stormy seas are available to you and me on our stormy seas.
What are God’s anchors to help us overcome the storms of life?
In Acts 27:23-24, God’s presence in a form of an angel stood before the Apostle Paul, a clear sign that God will never leave us. It is also reassured Paul to not be afraid for God still has purpose for his life – to stand before the trial before Caesar.
Nothing was going to stop Paul from getting to Rome because he had not fulfilled God’s purpose yet. Storms are simply temporary setbacks toward fulfilling God’s plan. God has a plan beyond the problems we are facing right now. Our destiny is in God’s hands.
In the midst of hopelessness and helplessness, comes a godly response from Paul when he said, “So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me.” (Acts 27:25). Storms cannot destroy the child of God, because God’s promise is definite. God keeps His promises without fail.
God’s power made certain everyone on board managed to get to the shore until they were all safe. “So it happened that they all were brought safely to land.” (Acts 27:44). God assures us that no storm in this life will be able to blow us off course as long as we hold on to the strong anchor of God’s power.
We often do not see God’s anchors when we’re too busy battling the storm on our own. Indeed, God never promised a storm-free life, but he did promise that He would be with us through the storms. Let your anchor hit rock bottom then you will discover that Jesus is the Rock at the bottom.
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