Spiritual Mirror

My first real chance to serve and write for CCF Eastwood’s Chronicle came at the right time.
God’s timing is always perfect! The message spoke right thru me as it gives me the reassurance that I am on the right path as I walk with the Spirit. This is my first piece for Chronicle. Let me allow to share these to you guys.

As a baby Christian, I was never clear about the next steps to follow. I tried to attend a Singles Ministry session with the objective of knowing more people but as I attend regularly, I did not expect meeting my DGroup leader whom I know God’s tool for my spiritual growth. God made sure I won’t lose my way as I get to know Him. With my DGroup sisters, I appreciated God’s design for us to be in a COMMUNITY. The message conveyed that we should not go to a small group to be blessed instead, we go to a small group to bless others. So far, I am being so blessed by them that I now have to check if I am blessing them as much.

13 For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13 NLT

I appreciated the CARE my DGroup is giving me as I know that we have the goal to spiritually grow and serve one another. I thought being in a DGroup would require more work and seriousness at all times. I was wrong. It is all about the fellowship that builds my CHARACTER inside and out so that my heart will continue to seek out God’s Glory in everything I do – and we do have fun, too! I agree with Ptr. Jess when he said that being with a small group is like having a spiritual mirror. It is having a Johari window right in front of you. I get to know myself more as we constantly check one another – we admonish the bad things and we rejoice in the good things! My small group has always been there to give me the nudge when I start to doubt myself. I also learned accountability as we know one another deeper. There’s COOPERATION when one is down and we learned how to uplift one another with the word of God and we would really feel the genuine love and care. I found a space wherein I could be myself with the right people bonded with a circle of trust not because of sharing gossips but because of first-hand information about their own life experiences and you know you are bound to value them as they hold different life lessons.

7 As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. Proverbs 27:17 NLT

Proverbs 27:17 clearly explained that you need a friend to sharpen your own self and that’s simply being in a DGroup is all about. I never regret that time I said ‘yes’ to my DGroup leader and from what I have learned from the message, I now know that it is the second-best decision I made after saying ‘yes’ to the Lord.

The steps are now clear, the path is lighted, all I do now is follow.

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  1. PAUSE and RE-FOCUS – Almost A Writer

    May 21, 2018 at 4:26 am

    […] I am lukewarm on my commitments, then I am definitely stepping on a wrong foot. My DGroup is my Spiritual Mirror and I CANNOT disregard the fact that I am missing out already and if not, I am missing out on the […]

  2. A Call to Persevere – Almost A Writer

    May 21, 2018 at 4:28 am

    […] a DGroup. Being in a DGroup gives you a Spiritual Mirror and you can read how I met my DGroup here on my […]

  3. Confidence with Full Assurance of Faith | Almost A Writer

    January 1, 2020 at 12:02 am

    […] For my co-leaders in the church, let us not lose Faith and continue to encourage one another. We all need accountability as well as we become more susceptible to the worldly pleasures. For potential leaders, do not be afraid. I was once afraid and does still feel afraid at times but please, take this new year as an opportunity to take a leap (not just on your stairs) on your Faith. Depend on God’s wonderful plans for you. Surrender and feel the victorious peace with the Lord. There will always be struggles in leading but you’ll be at peace. For those who haven’t met Christ yet, allow Him to find you. Read your Bible and start with the Book of John. We will never find God, He finds us and continuously pursues us. Allow God to touch your heart by learning Jesus’ love for us. Find an accountability group and realize your dire need for spiritual mirrors. […]

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