Something that Made Me Think

“What book have you already read that gave you so much inspiration?” I just overheard this question from someone and it sounds so simple to the ears. However when I thought about it, it is harder than it looks. So what book really inspired me up to the present?

I love reading books and a lot of them really inspired me because I gained different learning from each book I read. I already started to read books the moment I learned how to read. Even before learning how to read, I already appreciated the drawings inside books. Honestly, I think I’ve read almost half of the gradeschool library in our school. Hahaha! Well, that’s what I think. Haha! Books inspired me in different aspects of life and I think it is best to break them down for everyone to understand.

Encyclopedia, Almanacs and Guinness Books eat my time and it these books made me love Science. I even dreamt of being a Scientist someday. Really. I love reading trivia and some fun facts that no simple conversation can ever pull off. Wait, I forgot to mention Reader’s Digest! I also dreamt of having a year’s subscription of it if it wasn’t pricey for me. Haha!

Anne Frank made me realize the real essence of having a diary. It should contain technically everything and it you should find your diary a source of composure as you tell everything to the best confidant you could ever see. Mitch Albom’s books made me realize much about life. The Five People You Meet in Heaven and Tuesday’s With Morrie are such a hit on my outlook in life. They never fail to make me cry. One More Try and Have A Little Faith made me understand more about trying and dying or life after a death of someone. Hope for The Flowers and Jonathan Livingstone Seagull taught me how to test my limits and fight for what I know is best for me. Portrait of Dorian Grey taught me about beauty. Bob Ong’s books drew out the humor and tickled imagination through his out-of-the-box thoughts. Florante at Laura is a Filipino book that contains tons of saying about life and love. I am lucky to have a great teacher on it. She made us memorize important parts of the book and expound to us the real meaning behind every line.

Those are just only few out of the almost hundred books I have already read. You see, books can change how you think about love, life and friendship. It is how you digest the content of the book and apply it on your daily life. I guess all books bring inspiration to all the readers. No writer will aim nothingness to every drop of thought and effort in writing a book.

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