Finally! I got my very first dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine yesterday and I am so happy to participate in a nationwide global effort to fight against Coronavirus.
Living to witness the pandemic is definitely one for the books and it evidently affected (and still is affecting) a lot of lives, jobs, and families. No one saw this coming and no one can even see it ending anytime soon. I know that some are still hesitant to take the vaccine and it’s okay. You have the authority over your body and each has reasons for not choosing to get inoculated however, we must always think with the end in mind. I bet you want to survive this pandemic and it will really start by protecting yourself first. Generally speaking, getting inoculated won’t do much for others, all benefits of it will be for you. That’s it. I’ll leave it that way; I couldn’t say it any better than that.
My heart goes out to all front-liners who are risking their own lives just to save ours; putting public service first above personal interests and if you would ask them, they never wanted to sacrifice much but their duty comes first. I believe that their hearts are full seeing people wanting to protect themselves by getting vaccinated. To all front-liners all over the world, my prayers are WITH you and FOR you.
Sharing my experience and the process I went through for my first dose.
Registration. This is the easiest part! All LGUs have their own online registration portals and they are all providing either a unique confirmation ID or a QR code as your registration details. I actually signed up to register the moment it went online, and just like the others, I was patiently waiting for my schedule. Even though I already signed up for one LGU, I still signed up for other LGUs for the vaccine thinking that I can just get whichever comes first. Registering is easy but waiting for your schedule is a different story. In my case, I waited for MONTHS. Honestly, I thought that since my mom is a front-liner (part of the COVID Task Force of an LGU), it would be easier for me, but NO. Don’t get me wrong, I am not upset about it because I know for a fact that I am not an essential worker but since I am already physically reporting to work and also living with my mom, I am equally at risk. But I waited until it’ll be my turn. In a nutshell, even front-liners are having difficulties in getting their immediate families scheduled since schedules are getting tighter; safe to say that more and more Filipinos are willing to get inoculated – it’s a good problem actually. And finally! Last Sunday, I got a message from the LGU I initially signed up for, giving me the schedule of my first dose.
My mom reminded me that I have to be prepared for the vaccination. I have to eat ahead and have my stomach full. She accompanied me throughout the process and I’m so grateful for her! I had to take a leave from work since I’m not sure how long should I wait for the whole process and since my vaccination category falls under A1.5 Immediate Family of Healthcare Workers / Front-liners, having my mom with me during the whole process made it way easier.
The venue for my first dose was in Makati Coliseum and I must say, this LGU came prepared! All front-liners wearing complete PPEs, staff were also accommodating and always willing to help should you have questions. Physical distancing was also strictly observed and since the venue was well-ventilated (air-conditioned), you won’t mind waiting for your turn. My mom took photos of each step I took, btw. She knows I am going to write about it. Lol.
Each step is confirming details especially if you have comorbidity cases and/or your immediate family members. Best to have your medical certificate with you should you have a comorbidity, they will really ask for it, multiple times actually. Right after the assessment, they will now indicate the vaccine that you’ll get and you’ll be endorsed to the vaccination phase. I was actually skeptical by the government’s decision of not immediately disclosing the vaccine brand not until you’re there at the vaccination site, but when I personally witnessed a guy who drove himself to the vaccination site just to ask the vaccine brand and since he did not get the answer he wanted, he just drove away. Like, why? I know you have the right to know what goes inside your body, but the best vaccine is whatever is available.
I learned that we really have to wait for the vaccines because, in one vial of vaccine, it must be shared by 10 people. But since there’s a queue, vaccine consumption is not much of a problem. I just had to wait for a few minutes for the vaccine to be thawed completely, since they are all frozen to keep the vaccines in good condition.

The Makati LGU gives free paracetamol as you get released from the Monitoring phase.
It’s amazing that all phases I have been through, all front-liners are giving a stellar service! Quick turnaround, everything clearly explained, everything was provided, they are multi-tasking and they were not just lax about their duties, and most importantly, no one was irritable whenever you would ask questions. It’s important that you are approachable for any question. You can really feel that they came prepared for you and that there’s nothing to be afraid of. Yes, my mom was there but I personally felt guided and assured by each and every front-liner who handled me. Thank you SO much for each and every one of YOU. Praise God for all of your hearts to serve and know that all your efforts and the work of your hands will never be in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).
I believe my first dose experience is something worth sharing and I hope and pray that this would motivate one or two people to get themselves inoculated. I am not after for anything political. Get the vaccine wherever and whenever you would want it, you may also get the brand whichever you would prefer, just get vaccinated. Clearly, the battle with this Pandemic is not yet done but never forget to keep holding on to our ONE TRUE HOPE, the ONLY ONE who knows when all of these would end – Jesus.
My dear readers, protect yourselves first! Let’s join this global effort to beat COVID-19 and let’s all pray that God would allow us all to see a pandemic-free tomorrow once again. It may not be anytime soon but continue to trust that He will always be with us, as He is always for us (Psalm 147:3-6).
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 NIV
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