Merry CHRISTmas, dear readers!
How’re the Holidays working out for you so far? Praise God for the rest that He provides. I managed to clean up my closet and collected clothes and bags for donations. I also praise God for the provision to purchase new ones in preparation for work in 2020. I actually have a slight fever as I am typing this and I think my body is already taking its toll on me.
Allow me to share the parties I have attended this year and what God taught me during these past few weeks.
I never thought I could attend all of these parties. Thanks to those online sale events, I managed to purchase gifts to everyone without hurting my budget. Lol. I honestly had to drop 2 events during these weeks due to conflict of schedules.
It has been a ride just before Christmas and I praise God for the sustenance and strength for each and every party. I know that Christmas is the perfect occasion for gift-giving but as I walk deeper with the Holy Spirit, I am beyond joyful to acknowledge that I have received the BEST GIFT when I said “yes” to Jesus last 2017.
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23 NASB
I could never picture my life right now if I am still lost in life – away from Jesus. Maybe I would still be my old self, full of pride and drowning in debt. Lol. I am comfortable now to use credit cards without the trouble of paying back. My heart already knows the right thing to do and I now feel at ease paying debts without the fear of financial shortage. Dec 2019 is the first year anniversary of being debt-free! God paid off my credit card debt in 2018 and yes, surrendering my sins is not a weakness but a true victory!
This year, God taught me to give tithes the right way and depend on His sovereignty. I was freed from the greed of money and now living freely with Jesus’ abundant love.
And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life.
1 John 5:11-12 NASB
My prayer goes to anyone who reads this that may YOU find that courage to surrender your sin to Jesus and acknowledge that YOU need a savior to save you from wherever YOU may be right now. I may not know YOUR current situation but God truly sees one’s heart. May YOU find that strength to admit that you are weak and apart from God, we are nothing. All praises to Jesus, the creator, and the perfector of our faith, who died in order for us to live!
Would not God find this out?
Psalm 44:21 NASB
For He knows the secrets of the heart.
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