On God Alone.

The message last Sunday is a consistent reminder ever since I accepted Jesus and I started the walk with the Spirit – to depend on God alone is to surrender everything to Him and live by Faith and Grace day by day. Honestly, saying those words are music to my ears but way difficult to live by. I hear testimonies of people on how God blesses their daily needs without the worries of what tomorrow may bring. I am encouraged to depend on God alone as I see them full of joy despite the life circumstances while here I am, still feeling insufficient with what I have. I know and declare God’s sovereignty over all things and He provides more than what I could actually ask for but the message got me thinking how my heart is doing when it comes to fully surrender everything to Him.

“As the Scriptures say, “No one is righteous— not even one. No one is truly wise; no one is seeking God. All have turned away; all have become useless. No one does good, not a single one.”” Romans‬ ‭3:10-12‬ ‭NLT‬

Bro. Joey reminded us that we should fix our joy into something permanent and not latch on the worldly things that we know would eventually not matter when we die and most especially in God’s eyes. Honestly, even as a follower, I still sometimes get pulled in with the world and I praise God for always reminding and pulling me out of it even before I get into deep. I find immense joy when God makes me feel sufficient by through His provisions and I reciprocate that love and I couldn’t stop speaking praises for Him. While listening to the message, I had to ask myself why Am I not reciprocating that outspoken love towards Him when He allows me to be broken? Why Am I not feeling that immense joy when He makes me feel like a daughter being corrected? It struck me most when I was assessing myself when Bro. Joey showed the list of traits/behaviors if you are poor in spirit; I felt guilty and insufficient at the same time. Even as a follower, acknowledging God’s sovereignty is not enough to live Christ-likeness but to make sure that my joy is nowhere but in Him so that I could never ask for anything more – I have to be Poor in Spirit and seek Him all the days of my life feeling sufficient from His love. He is enough for me.

““Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew‬ ‭5:3‬ ‭NIV‬

God never wanted the righteous because there will be no one other than Him who is. He is a great Father who wants the best for us and seeks for us even if He is God. His unbreakable love for us is there for us to keep as long as we depend on Him alone in all W.A.Y.S. Being Poor in Spirit means we must depend our Wisdom from Him so that we could separate ourselves to the world. We must depend All our needs to the most generous provider anyone could ask for and that is our God. We must Yield in God’s Will for He wants nothing but the best for His children. We must depend our Strength and Vindication to Him who can make it all possible – He is the rock of our strength.

Depend on God alone all W.A.Y.S always.

Few of my B1GFridays Table 22 Ladies and I went through our first ever Prayer and Fasting week together and I cannot wait to see and hear their stories on how they will allow God’s light shine through their brokenness.

I shall share my Prayer and Fasting Week tomorrow and my breakthrough. Oh, On a side note, Follow my blog with Bloglovin!

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