Balanced Life with God

This is definitely something that everyone needs to hear and it is applicable to all walks of life. We are reminded that the formula for life success is just following God and obeying His words, however, having a balanced life is different.

Bro. Roden breaks it down into three things that one should do if we want to have

a balanced life with God.

First, having a balanced life is one that grows in WISDOM. As King Solomon prayed from God, he asked for Wisdom to ensure that he will glorify God amidst the riches that he has. It is true that we can easily know God's words in the Bible but it takes the Holy Spirit's guidance and God-bestowed wisdom to know what His words mean. I am always reminded to be careful in discerning God's words whenever I read the Bible and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide me and wisdom to discern what God wants me to do. It’s never too early to start gaining knowledge about the Word of God and apply it in your daily walk. Moreover, practicing quiet time and other spiritual disciplines will ensure knowing and more wisdom in God's words. Being part of a DGroup is one of the efficient ways to gain knowledge and making sure that we apply it in our daily walk. It was impressed in my heart that Wisdom is knowledge applied.

Second, having a balanced life is one that grows in STATURE. Just like Jesus who quickly grew in wisdom and started to learn about His Heavenly Father and his age did not hinder in joining the scholars in the temple. He knew His mission and His part but He was growing maturely in His Faith in God the Father. Our life trials and challenges are indicators of our maturity and it was impressed in my heart that disappointments are God's divine appointment. There is strength in God's words and in our inner being as long as we a growing in Christ. Bro. Roden asked us two simple questions: Is your faith stable? Are you spiritually mature? And I couldn't answer 100% unless there is a total surrender to God.

Third and last, having a balanced life is one that finds FAVOR in Word and Man. It is knowing and obeying God that gives us freedom from the limits of this world. It was simply put that if we truly love God, we will keep His commandments even without the reminder. However, God knows that as human beings, He made us social beings and He gifted us with work, talents, family, and more.

Balanced Life is a matter of PRIORITY. God should be above anyone and anything else followed by family, work, and ministry.

feat. John's hand. Lol.

Bro. Roden ended the message that a truly successful balanced life is anchored on the truth (the word of God), and being obedient to God, resulting in Christlikeness.

Prioritize the one and ultimate source of our lives.

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