In Christ, Love and Serve Others to Maturity

Name a gift that you most cherish even until now.

13 This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.  Ephesians 4:13 NLT

In Christ – position and power of grace
Love – motive and manner of grace
Serve others – action of grace
To maturity- result of grace

If only is truly in Christ, his love compels him to serve others with their maturity in mind. We can serve without love but we cannot love without serving. We must never forget who we were before we met Christ and most especially, we must never forget how Christ loved us despite of. We were dead because of our trespasses and sins but Jesus saved us and loved us. God made us unique to give us a unique calling and a unique purpose in the ministry the He laid for us in advance.

Humility is not thinking less of myself but thinking more of others. Our basis of love is never ever about others. The basis of love must be Christ.

Do we allow are differences to divide us or do we celebrate our differences? Do we value and regard other’s uniqueness as God regards it? It all begins with Christ and the ends with the perfection of Christ.

The reason most of us do not see the opportunities to serve is that we are continually thinking about ourselves instead of others. – Jerry Bridges

Top 10 Family Issues Today
10 Materialism
9 Loss of Balance of Work and Family
8 Negative Media Influence
7 Lack of Communication
6 Financial Pressure
5 Lack of Discipline
4 Absence of Father-Figure
3 Busyness
2 Divorce
1 Anti-Christian Culture

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