Future Employment Qualification: Social Credit System

We all know our work culture nowadays is more on “Work From Home” and “Freelancing Gig” amidst the pandemic. Even so, when you apply for a job, the interviewee would ask them a digital portfolio of your works, whether written or visual. However, what if ten years from now, the interviewer will ask an employee not only your CV or a portfolio, but a lifetime rating can get you a job?

Normally, if you are the age group of 20-25, and you have been stuck in a pandemic situation with no in-person job interview experience, you have experienced having a job interview in your living room or your childhood bedroom. You don’t need to commute or buy smart attire as your first impression for your boss. Depending on the job position you have applied for, the interviewer asks you to show an online portfolio, whether it is on Fiverr, Contra, Upwork, Behance, etc.

Until now, most HR’s are using “KASH” strategy (Knowledge-Attitude-Skills-Habits) for fresh applicants and employees’ work performance and personality, but in the future, they will analyze you in ratings first before looking at their credentials and network with the alumni. All companies will apply social credit system on their employee handbook. For instance, it’s written as such: “Keep maintaining your scoring at all times.”

It already happened when the Chinese government had implemented a Social Credit System. Though, what exact social credit system works? As we get the context, there is an episode from a dystopian-thriller series called Black Mirror: Nosedive. It focuses on a woman with her social credit of 4.0 (5.0 is the highest) as she wishes to improve her lavish lifestyle as she is wanted to boost her social credit by simply how you treat the people around her. Although, it would get any worse after her minor mistake or an accident. Social Credit System will get access perks and privileges depending on their current lifestyle.

The question is: how will you apply for a job that requires the best social credit system?


  • You go to the most prestigious university, with 15%
  • Good moral character by peers, alumni, food establishment, club moderator, family relatives, professors, and generally STRANGERS. [Which may be resulted in social media]
  • pretentious extra-curricular activities or participated in community service/s
  • Winning academic competitions
  • better exposure (academic competitions, studying abroad)

Here is a scenario of a person with his rating system:

A model student with a social credit rating of 4.0, the same score as his average grade in each semester, an all-star basketball player, been friends with the alumni from the multi-national company. Sounds potential to become a high-end professional or influencer. But what if he had unintentionally committed an offense, which was part of the fraternity pledge: cat-calling a female student. All students know he has a good influence on him, but controversy would lead to his consequences with his rating (lead to 3.0).

So far, the technology has drastically developed every five years. Do we know about the values that we know from school? Do we keep in touch with our loved ones, despite rating differences? Do we still keep posting highlights of our lives to our social network, to flex enough? We can “be aesthetics rather than being authentic.” What is your message to your past self and your future self? You know you do better than being yourself in a digital world, just for the digital currency. I would say that you can post content on social media to make it more memorable. Be cautious about what you post. The ratings do not reflect on your personal and professional life.

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