Twenty Eight: Topping Off with Friends

Yes, another birthday post! I will never let June pass by without seeing these wonderful ladies. They are the ones you meet once and you will always keep. Thank you, loves, for always making me feel in high school high with you. I’m so excited to see more of our plans materialize in the future and locking this friendship forever.

As you all know, these are my Bestest Friends — from Elementary to High School. Solid 10  years of friendship right there! Part of our tradition is to celebrate our birthdays with the group and that gives us reason to meet and gather together as well as catch up with our lives.

It is surprisingly the shortest meetup we ever had while last October was the one we have overdone the stay. LOL! I love how we could catch up in an instant despite the frequent talks. We are not the clingy type but we sure do know how and where to pick up the conversation from the last time.

Photo by: Clarissa

Our favorite photo look. We take photos like this in the exact same look! Lol!

Truly, they are the sisters I never had.

I praise God for blessing me with these ladies who are imperfect like me but with perfectly good hearts.

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Prayer and Fasting Week is here and I will be going on a Social Media and Partial Fast. I shall be keeping my Viber and FB Chat just for work purposes and shall be updating only this blog for my daily devotions.

Come join us! Here is our schedule:

June 27: 7PM @ CCF Center

June 28: 7PM @ CCF Eastwood

June 29: 7PM @ CCF Center

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