On Waiting and Self-Love

Watch first the short video loop above. Imagine you are the one in the skit. What did you feel after? Frustrated? Anxious? What is it in waiting that makes us feel that way?


We wait and wait… and wait. No matter what it is you are waiting for, it boils down to all sorts of frustration. Many people lose their patience, become bored, anxious, and angry; When unsettled, you even flare up and it will definitely bring you to your wit’s end.

In our generation of INSTANT and where speed is the new currency, WHY DO WE STILL HAVE TO WAIT?

The Bible tells us that God has placed eternity into our hearts and that made us with a constant yearning for satisfaction. We will never be completely satisfied with earthly pleasures and pursuits. And as God has made us in His image, we have an eternal value, and nothing but ETERNAL can truly satisfy us (Ecc. 3:11). However, we are reminded that there are different ways to respond whenever we have presented an opportunity to wait (Proverbs 14:29; 15:18) and it is only by the Holy Spirit’s guidance that we are to overcome our self-entitlement (Ecc. 7:8). God had set it for us that while we do not see the big picture of WHY we wait, we are commanded to wait PATIENTLY (Romans 8:25).


Waiting may be excruciating, but it is one of the processes we are to enjoy as we are all part of God’s beautiful plans. As soon as we understand that others may not be able to control other circumstances and it is not their fault that they have ‘human instincts, same as you, we are commanded to be Christ-like at all times.

Maybe not everyone knows this, but whenever we allow ourselves to be patient and avoid all types of frustration and anxiety, it is already a form of self-love. It is showing love to your mind, heart, and body.

As followers of Christ, we are to be living testimonies of Jesus’ love. We can successfully deliver that mission once we embody and demonstrate the fruit of the Holy Spirit as there is no mortal and heavenly law that would be against us when we chose to live the ‘Jesus’ way’, moreover, eternal rewards are waiting for us (Galatians 5:22-23; 6:9). We are also commanded that despite other people’s mistakes and affliction towards us, we are to be humble, gentle, and patient with each other. Since we are still humans, we have that human instinct to go after our endless pursuits in search of the satisfaction we are relentlessly seeking (Ephesians 4:2). Therefore, we are to make allowance for each other’s faults (regardless of the gravity of the offense you think they have inflicted on us), we are to choose to forgive always – this could be verbal or nonverbal; through your heart and mind (Col. 3:12-13). We are to take care of our mind, heart, and body by not being too anxious and be joyful at all times (Philippians 4:6).


Waiting will never be easy but hey, what are we REALLY waiting for?

Why allow yourself to be frustrated with others and/or in a situation?

Why check the things you have already surrendered to the Lord? Have you really surrendered it?

Just like our Heavenly Father, we are to be like Him, not just towards our family and friends, but to everyone (Psalm 103:8). There may be things that we are continuously praying for to come and it could be something tangible or something that would change your future, but remember to not lose confidence in the Hope that God had everything planned out perfectly for each and every one of us. We must not stop praying and not allow circumstances to distract us from being patient in God’s plans to unfold and from having a peaceful mind, heart, and body (Romans 12:12). Having complete faith in God gives us the strength to survive anything that comes our way, and to approach even difficult situations with the utmost patience. God is by our side. (Col 1:10-11)

So the question again, will you wait?

Here are some points to think of while you do your quiet time or maybe for discussion with your family, friends, and colleagues:

  1. What are you REALLY waiting for?
  2. Is there a recent situation wherein your patience was tested? How did you handle it?
  3. Learning this, what are your points of improvement for the coming week?

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