Christmas is one of my favorite events in a year. Honestly, I am excited for Christmas because of the opportunities it gives to our family to gather and spend time with each other. I also like Christmas because of the gifts I buy and share to the rest of the family; It is like a special time of the year that I can be acceptably intentional to everyone when it comes to spending gifts. Learning the message from last Sunday reminded me of the same old lesson that I know I have to face sooner or later – the application of everything I am continuously learning. I already know that Christmas is not just about gifts and material things but to commemorate the One true savior sent to save us. Deep in my heart, I know that I will never deserve that gift of Salvation but as I continue my walk with the Holy Spirit, I am always humbled by the overflowing love and grace after grace after grace. Having Jesus Christ as a gift to us by God the Father is something I took for granted back then and I regret those years I missed to celebrate that give praise to Him just because I was focused on the small material gifts I am giving and receiving.
Today, I no longer think of lavish material things for gifts but something that could be cheap but more intentional like a prayer planner I scouted in one of the online shopping sites. For the first time, I did not create any Christmas wishlist of what I would want to receive this year but rather, focus on my eyes on the best gift anyone could ever receive – and that is Jesus!
Ptr. Jess shared about the different responses Christians would probably give about Jesus Christ’s birth. It made an impression on my heart that I may not be a Herod but I could sometimes become a hypocrite. I lead, I worship, and I study His word but I am still weak at heart. I am continuously seeking for prayers that I may finish strong and be steadfast in the faith and never look back because of the worldly temptations. I am still not a master of the Bible and I am not 100% perfect in Christ-like living but I know that as long as I believe that Jesus will continue to save me despite my shortcomings, I am secured in His presence.
God gave us life and love and we are always fighting our way far from it, however, the wonder and amazingness of our Holy Father shall never allow us to be astray if only we fix our eyes on Jesus, our One true Lord and Savior.
May our families enjoy and know more of the wonders of CHRISTmas through Christ, who is the center of it all!
Merry CHRISTmas, brothers and sisters in Christ!
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